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Articles By Acceleron Team

Foreign Exchange

1 min read

The Advantages of Risk Sorting

While we are in the business of correspondent banking, a new and interesting trend continues to pop up. Banks and Credit Unions that are subject to...

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2 min read

Don't Think Your Clients Are Sending International Payments? Think Again.

Many community bankers underestimate the demand for FX wire transfer services among their clients and members, however, the reality is that clients...

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1 min read

Currency Risk Management for Community Bankers

Introduction: Community bankers rely heavily on the American dollar's pivotal position as the global reserve currency. In order to effectively serve...

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1 min read

Are you paying your competition?

Are you paying your competition when it comes to FX wires? In most cases, the answer is, yes. Community banks and Credit Unions are often chosen by...

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2 min read

Top 7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Correspondent Bank

Choosing a correspondent bank is difficult. Maybe your institution has been recently de-risked. Perhaps you are growing and need a correspondent with...

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2 min read

Top 3 Compliance Related Issues with Your Correspondent Bank Relationship

Before you think – “I don’t have any correspondent relationships!” – you may want to ask your accounting and wire team. Most likely, your community...

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