Damon Magnuski

1 min read

The Advantages of Risk Sorting

While we are in the business of correspondent banking, a new and interesting trend continues to pop up. Banks and Credit Unions that are subject to...

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1 min read

Top 3 Reasons We Loved the Janney Bank CEO Forum

Introduction While there were many reasons why I enjoyed attending the Janney CEO Forum I am narrowing it down to my top 3. An Event Full of...

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2 min read

Top 3 Learnings from the FEDFIS Roundup

I would like to give a brief review of lessons learned at the FedFis Roundup. First off, this being Acceleron's first time at the event, I would like...

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2 min read

Top 7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Correspondent Bank

Choosing a correspondent bank is difficult. Maybe your institution has been recently de-risked. Perhaps you are growing and need a correspondent with...

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2 min read

Oh Snap! We've Been De-Risked!

Introduction Imagine it's a regular Monday, and out of the blue, you receive a voicemail or email from your correspondent delivering some unexpected...

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